Make 2024 the year your get-fit resolution sticks, with our simple tips for creating lifestyle habits that last.

It’s that time of year when people are making resolutions for the months ahead. And ‘get fit’ is always a popular resolution, driven by people’s desire to shape up, feel healthier, or lose a little weight.

If fitness is one of your 2024 resolutions, you’ll be looking for ways to make your new habits a lasting, long-term lifestyle change. After all, nobody wants to set the exact same resolution every New Year, do they?

Make this the year you finally create lifelong fitness habits with our guide to turning resolutions into daily actions.

How to set a fitness plan that grows with you

You’ve probably heard of SMART goal setting – specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. We agree that it’s important to choose a realistic fitness goal. But it’s also crucial to choose a longer term set of fitness targets that can grow with you.

This approach will ensure that you can enjoy a lifetime of activity and fitness without feeling that you’ve reached a dead end.

Start by choosing your initial fitness goal. This might be a physical outcome of strength, weight loss, endurance, or a sport-specific skill. Attach a timescale to this initial goal (we recommend no less than 12 weeks). Then think beyond that goal. How can you stay motivated and keep making progress as the months and years progress?

Use mini-targets to stay motivated for workouts

Big goals are a great way to keep moving forward, but there’s one downside to setting larger fitness targets. It can feel difficult to stay motivated every day when your ultimate goal is still months away.

Overcome this motivation issue by setting mini targets that you can tick off on the way to your ultimate goal. Make these small wins that you will almost certainly achieve, like going to the gym 3 times a week or adding 10% to your running mileage every week. And be sure to congratulate yourself for achieving these small wins!

Try a few gym memberships at gyms near me

Boredom can be a total motivation killer, so try out plenty of gyms and fitness centres during your fitness journey. Look for ‘gyms near me’ to find different types of gyms, classes, equipment, and timetables to suit your schedule.

Check out Hussle’s gym membership options for a flexible way to try out plenty of gyms near you. One Hussle membership gives you access to 1000s of gyms around the country so you can drop in, try things out, and mix and match different gyms.

Try out different types of training including cardio, strength training, yoga, or group classes. This will stop you from getting bored, and also target different muscle groups so you’ll get fitter faster. And you might even meet your new gym bestie at one of these gyms near me.

Avoid getting complacent when you see results

If getting fit is one of the top New Year’s Resolutions, why do so many people start over every year? One reason could be that they give up as soon as they make progress. It sounds strange, but it’s a real aspect of human behaviour.

This year, make sure you keep going even when you start seeing changes in the mirror or get compliments from other people. Don’t take your foot off the gas. Just keep going with your new sustainable workout habit, enjoy your new fitness, and keep the progress coming.

Aim for consistency, not perfection

You’ll often hear the fitness advice that consistency is key. And it’s true that the most important thing in establishing long-term fitness habits is sticking to a routine. But consistency doesn’t mean perfection every single day. It’s more important to have a simple routine and get it right 80% of the time.

Don’t throw in the towel if you miss a workout or fall off the wagon. Get back on track the next day and keep going. Remember, this is about creating long-term fitness habits that you can enjoy for the rest of your life. The best fitness routine is one you enjoy doing and can stick with.

How to find the best gyms near me with one pass

Try out different gyms to find one your love with Hussle’s network of gyms, pools, spas and health and fitness apps. With one Hussle pass, you can access fitness in exactly the way you want. Check out Hussle today and find a fitness routine that will last.


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